Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Information from ‘The Orange One’

I was sitting in a nice spot near college, and thanked Her for my soup (very nice soup). He then started talking to me, in a young son form, from which I got the sensation of orange. He told me this:

Everyone is born with a certain nature, and when/if they commune with the Goddess/God, they are seen as having a complementary nature to the person. Not necessarily opposite or the same, but what that person needs at the time.

ANGEL embodies the male aspect of the Goddess and the female aspect of the God. All guardian angels embody the traits that their charge needs/will need. The Goddess and God are balanced like the yin and yang sign. One may be more female or male than the other, but they both embody traits of the both and together they are the Duality.

Currently the God is dying/going back into the womb, and therefore can appear as anything; She is the Wise Woman.

She is pleased when you thank them/Her for food personally; there is ‘Grace’ but that goes by way of a face given to them that they do not find ‘human enough’. The ancient pantheons were better, although not perfect, because they were very much human.

Do not forget them.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Question - Introspection

1. Why do I feel like I don't deserve things?
2. Why can I not ask for what I want, only what I would like?
3. Why do I feel that this holds me back?
4. Why am I afraid to disappoint people?
5. Why am I afraid people will be disappointed in me?
6. Why do I feel I must get high grades, else I am a failure?
7. Why can't I truly have faith in something?
8. Why am I afraid to show who I am to other people?
9. Who am I, anyway, to show?
10. Why do I restrict myself?
11. Why do I cry alone?
12. Why do I find it difficult to see the beauty that I know is in everything?
13. Why do I wish for something, then flinch when it comes true?
14. Why can I have a short attention span?
15. How can I believe?