Dark Chocolate and Orange Cheesecake
125g digestive biscuits (put into a plastic bag and gleefully smashed into little bits with a rolling pin. I used plain chocolate covered ones)
4 table spoons caster sugar (granulated sugar basically)
75g butter (melted and probably unsalted. Don't let it burn. Later you can use this pan again.)
110g plain/dark chocolate (I used 50% dark chocolate, although you could probably use darker or lighter to taste)
675g cream cheese (I couldn't find any cream cheese, so I replaced this with 'soft cheese' and it still worked fine. It's basically the same thing)
200g caster sugar
5 eggs (this will make it seem quite runny, but I promise, it will set)
2 tablespoons orange juice (close enough to the juice of half an orange)
1/2 tablespoon orange zest (you can use one orange for the juice and zest. Use a cheesegrater to get the zest off, and don't get any white 'pith'. If it gets stuck on the grater, just bang it on the chopping board a few times)
- Preheat the oven to gas mark 3 (not sure what that is in 'C, but there are probably convertors on the internet. Leave this on througout the whole process, except the chilling)
- Big/medium-big bowl, mix the smashed biscuit crumbs, 4 table spoons sugar and butter until well blended (a wooden spoon will do here, although later you will need an electric whisk - unless you are super strong - so may as well get it out here).
- Grease the bottom and sides of your springform tin (I forgot to do this, and am having alot of trouble getting slices off).
- Press into bottom and sides of ~9" springform tin (if there is not enough, simply make another mix with the same amounts and add in - I had to do this).
- Bake for ten minutes in the oven. Don't turn the oven off, take the base out when done.
- Melt the chocolate by putting it in a Pyrex (or glass) bowl, filling the pan you used to melt the butter in with water, and resting the bowl on that (it should just have an inch or so of the bottom oif the bowl in the water, otherwise it will overflow). Turn on the heat to boil the water, which in turn will melt the chocolate.
- Once the chocolate is melted, leave to one side to cool but not set.
- Another big/medium-big bowl (or I suppose you could use the same one) and mix the cream cheese and 200g of caster sugar until smooth (you will need an electric mixer for this. Be careful not to splat it everywhere).
- Mix in the eggs one at a time (it will get a bit runny here, but that's fine).
- Gradually stir in the orange juice and zest (a wooden spoon can be used here if you want).
- Split off 500ml of batter (use a jug) and pour the remaining batter over the base you made earlier.
- Stir the melted chocolate into the 500ml of batter, and drop it on in big lumps.
- Use a knife or spatula to stir pretty patterns into the batter (the white batter on the bottom will come up and make the patterns when you do this).
- Bake for 60 minutes on gas mark 3 (see why you didn't turn the oven off? If it is not ready after an hour leave it in for five minutes and check and again, then another five if it needs a bit longer and so on).
- Run a spatula around the edge of your cheesecake when you take it out, so that it is less likely to crack, and leave to cool completely (completely, otherwise it will melt your fridge shelves).
- Put in the fridge for four hours (I left mine in overnight) and enjoy!
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