I just did a Mabon ritual tonight in my garden. It worked out that for enough time my parents were (are) out so I am alone in the house.
I cast a circle, called the elements, and then thanked the Goddess and God for their roles in the harvest. I sang a mixture of the Witch's Chant and We All Come From The Goddess. I said thank you for what I have and my new life to come. I asked them to bless the last corn on the cob (which I have now eaten as a starter) and to protect our home (both of which they did, very kindly. Thank you).
Blessed be the Earth Mother
The Goddess and Lady
Blessed be the Sky Father
The God and Lord
Thanks be for our lives now
Thanks be for our new lives to come
I asked them to please protect everyone this winter, even if they seem to be ungracious, which we never really are, we just have forgotten.
Then we had a personal conversation, before and during me doing the Tai Chi form I know (Ten Step). I thanked them, and my angel, for a lot of things. Later I am going to go into my inner temple. I hope to post a description soon.
I'm going to try to wear my pentacle until the end of the week. This is a lot for me because I usually don't wear it as it can get heavy and make me feel sick if I don't cleanse it much.
I hope you all have a good harvest festival, Mabon!
Blessed be us all.
Sunday, Saying Yes to the World
8 hours ago
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